Monday, May 19, 2008

Whats written on the yellow book in the cartoon: Critics who say that biofuels take more energy to produce than to yield.

My interpretation: Mortage crisis is weighing the stock market down/causing the stock market to sink. As the anchor suggests, the mortage crisis could be possibly a dead weight that would be the main reason that hinders any upward movement of the stock market.

My interpretation: The dilemma for the US congress over green and expensive fuel(ethanol) or potentially polluting but cheap fuel(oil) However the irony is that both produces Carbon dioxide, but ethanol apparently produces 'GOOD C02' while oil apparently produces 'BAD CO2' when we know that CO2 regardless of its source, is a greenhouse gas and can increase the rate of global warming. Hence I feel that the cartoonist's tone is mockery when he drew the US congress as 'not the same difference!' (when apparently they are the same difference)

Please correct me if I'm wrong!

Thats all :D

Cartoons are from:,%2Boppurtunity%2Bcosts%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG

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